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Farm to Table Cooking

When most young kids ran home from school to watch cartoons, I ran home to watch cooking shows.  I had the opportunity to attend a Vocational high school in the Culinary Arts department, and I still watch cooking shows all the time.  These are some of the recipes I have created (or adapted) to fit our farm to table lifestyle.  

Small bites, Party foods, and Beverages

When you raise chickens, you have to have uses for lots of eggs!

Lighter entrees with full flavor

Cakes and things to top them with

Breads, and all the good things that go on breads

Final destinations of our garden produce

Beef, Pork, and Lamb

Handheld goodies and Holiday favorites

All those things that make great lunches.  Includes dressings and spreads

Side dishes galore!

Tips, tricks & items that don't fit a category

Puddings, Ice Creams, & Sauces

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